Thom Talks about Video Games

under construction


Hi I'm Thom I've been playing video games since I was at least 6 years old and making maps since I was 14!

Turns out I have the ability to talk about and you can read what I have to say if you want :o

Here is my

And here is my steam and my steam workshop

And here is my twitter


Minor Level Design Details in CS2's new Inferno [wip]

Despite Counter-Strike 2's slightly rocky start, nothing is gonna get in the way of me adoring the new map reworks! Here's some super minor details I love on the new de_inferno.

Valve's CS_Inferno map in CS2

I was playing deathmatch and I got killed by somone in the doorway in the above screenshot where I noticed that the bricks lining the flowerbed on the left seemed to point directly towards the door.

Bird's eye view

I found the shape of the flowerbed essentially leads the player into the door. I like to think about where the player's eye is drawn to. On the left is a completely blank white wall draped in shadow, and on the right you can see the sun, more colours.

I found the shape of the flowerbed essentially leads the player into the door. I like to think about where the player's eye is drawn to. On the left is a completely blank white wall draped in shadow, and on the right you can see the sun, more colours.


Lethal Company Review


The Game Ever

Lethal Company is the new hot game and I see why! For only £8.50 I've managed to get hours of fun out of it. When I first saw the horror tag on Steam I was worried for a bit because I don't do horror games but the co-operative part of the game is just too fun. If you don't know what it is already, it is a co-operative horror game where you play as the members of a salvage crew that travels to to large (procedurally generated <3 <3) facilities, and go around finding things like metal sheets, rubber ducks and clown horns. The catch is that you don't know what's lurking in the dark, and there's a large variety of "entities" that are out to get you.

I have never been more scared by a video game than when I was walking down a corridor with 2 friends, all talking to each other when they both step on a landmine and are blown up. Instead of finding it funny like I would if I was playing a Garry's Mod horror map, it was genuinely terrifying because not only has the only thing keeping me sane in these dark corridors disappeared, but now I can see their bodies on the ground, horrifying ambient music starts playing, and my in-game vision becomes blurry.


Proximity Voice Chat

I absolutely adore how well Proximity Voice Chat works in this game. It really adds immersion that makes the game great. It also means that if you get lost you can follow the sound of your friends voice through a series of dark corridors. The voice also changes according to the accoustics of the place you're in. The game also incorporates the doppler effect (sound of a car changing pitch when coming towards you vs travelling away from you). This means you can tell if your friend is falling down a pit, that and the fact that they stop talking. If you're not near anybody, you can always rely on your walkie-talkie. So have fun ending every sentence with "over", and hearing your friends screams get cut short by radio static (have fun figuring out what killed them, and if it's coming for you next!)

That's all I wanted to talk about, but there's so much more so you should go try it out yourself why don't ya?

Some off camera/behind the scenes